RFQ for Economic Development Services

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RFQ for Economic Development Services

September 11, 2020

As part of its charter, the City of Mesquite is charged with overseeing the general health, safety and welfare of the City. Economic development is considered by the City to be an activity that advances these principles for its citizenry.

In broad terms, economic development refers to the activities and policies that improve the economic well-being of Mesquite and the region. These activities and policies include, without limitation: job creation, job retention, tax base enhancements, business retentions and expansion, technology transfer, the diversification of the economy, the development and support of entrepreneurs, the development and support of business leaders, and the education, training and housing of the workforce.

To advance economic development and gain the associated benefits, the City seeks to designate and contract with an interested organization as a Local Economic Development Organization (LEDO) to provide services to aid, promote, and encourage economic development within the City of Mesquite and the surrounding area.


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